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Speed cubing lube – what is it?

Speed cubing is a popular hobby or sport that requires a lot of practice and skill to master. To achieve the fastest solve times, speed cubers often use a variety of accessories and techniques to optimize their performance, including the use of speed cube lubes.

Speed cube lubes are substances that are applied to the interior mechanism of a Rubik’s Cube or other twisty puzzle to reduce friction and improve the cube’s speed, smoothness, and sound. There are several different types of speed cube lubes, each with its own unique properties and benefits.

Silicone-based speed cube lubes

Silicone-based speed cube lubes are one of the most popular types of cube lubes on the market. They are typically made from a combination of silicone oil and other additives, and they are known for their ability to provide long-lasting lubrication that can help reduce friction and improve the overall performance of a Rubik’s Cube.

One of the main benefits of silicone-based speed cube lubes is their versatility. They can be used on a wide range of cubes, including 2×2, 3×3, and larger puzzles. Silicone-based lubes can also be customized to meet the needs of individual speed cubers, with different viscosity levels and additives that can be added to achieve a specific type of performance.

Another benefit of silicone-based speed cube lubes is their durability. They can last for a long time, which means that speed cubers won’t need to apply them as frequently as some other types of lubes. However, this also means that they can be more difficult to remove once they are applied, so it’s important to apply them carefully and avoid using too much.

Water-based speed cube lubes

Water-based speed cube lubes are another popular type of lube that is used by speed cubers. They are typically made from a combination of water, detergent, and other additives, and they are known for their ability to provide a smooth and fast solve experience.

One of the main benefits of water-based speed cube lubes is their ease of application. They can be applied quickly and easily to a Rubik’s Cube, and they are often easier to clean off than silicone-based lubes. Water-based lubes can also be used on a wide range of cubes, including larger puzzles and cubes with more complex mechanisms.

Another benefit of water-based speed cube lubes is their affordability. They are typically less expensive than silicone-based lubes, which makes them a good choice for speed cubers who are on a budget or who are just starting out with the hobby.

Petroleum-based speed cube lubes

Petroleum-based speed cube lubes are another type of lube that is used by some speed cubers. They are typically made from a combination of petroleum jelly and other additives, and they are known for their ability to provide a very smooth and fast solve experience.

One of the main benefits of petroleum-based speed cube lubes is their affordability. They are often less expensive than other types of lubes, which makes them a good choice for speed cubers who are on a budget. They can also be customized to meet the needs of individual speed cubers, with different viscosity levels and additives that can be added to achieve a specific type of performance.

However, there are some drawbacks to using petroleum-based speed cube lubes. They can be more difficult to apply than other types of lubes, and they can also be more difficult to remove once they are applied. Additionally, they can sometimes leave a residue on the cube’s surface, which can affect its appearance and performance over time.

Choosing the right speed cube lube

When choosing a speed cube lube, it’s important to consider a few key factors, including the type of cube you are using, your personal preferences, and your budget.

In our online store, there are various speed cubing lubricants for every preference.

Find out more about our Speed cube lubes – HERE.